This is an entry for the GMTK (Game Maker's Toolkit) Game Jam 2024, made in 48 hours

Theme: "Built To Scale"

A game about cutting boxes, and most importantly - weird scales. Use your imagination to beat these 10 levels.


* The Scale function might sometimes break and might not fully move into position, if it is the case, try swapping to a different size scale and then back.

* Browser version has awful UI scaling and general scaling issues, if you are experiencing these problems try to play on the standalone build or keep the browser window maximised.

NOTE: For the best visual experience use the standalone build (Graphics on the browser one are interesting)

CONTROLS (If you didn't figure it out already):

WASD - Move Camera

Q - change perspective (First Person and flat views)

SPACE - Pulls out Info Paper

1, 2, 3 keys - switches to the different scales (3, 5, 7)

E - Cut

F - Finish cut

All and any feedback is really appreciated!


Download 41 MB

Install instructions

Download the ZIP from game's page, unpack and run the .exe


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It took some time to get accustomed to the controls but after that it went pretty smoothly. I liked the gameplay, which I could easily see expanded a bit. Nice presentation, and that's with me using the inferior version of the game.

The tutorial was a bit unclear however, as I didn't know sending away the block progressed the tutorial. I would've liked to see the objective change to "send away block" or to have some clearer sound clue for it. Also [SPACE] obscured the block itself at times.

Thanks for playing! I will probably add a bit more polish after the Game Jam ends.

Interesting puzzles and controls!


Cool idea. Took me a while to figure out what the objective is though. I would recommend putting the objective up on the screen, or at least a pop up to show what it is, instead of hiding it in a menu.

Thanks for playing! I did add an objective indicator at the top of the screen (hope I didn't break anything else). If you don't mind you can tell me what you think!

It's very simple and fun! It caught me a bit off guard that some sides were like 9x9 and some were 10x10, but it's okay. I was also slightly lost at the tutorial because the first slide mentioned cutting, but didn't give me the controls until I pressed F and saw the next page lol. 

Glad you liked it. I hope the tutorial wasn't too confusing.

Very nice game, had fun playing it

Nice to hear!